Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Busy, Busy,Busy!!!

Phew! I realized I haven't published a post in awhile, mostly due to the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season! Since I work for 2 departments at the clinic, I was blessed to go to 2 Christmas parties, which Olivia loved, by the way! She pondered for days on what party dress to wear and what bow should adorn her long, curly locks! ( : Needless to say, she was quite the hit and honestly really must love parties (or being the center of attention) for she was such a good, well mannered little lady! In other news, Paul was offered a promotion at Pepsi, so after he gets his CDL license, our family's income will grow substantially which will be SUCH a blessing, for right now, every month is a struggle, as I'm sure it is for many families right now. I am just blessed with both have stable jobs in this economy!

What else....little Livi is still not interested in crawling, which has worried me, but thankfully, I am surrounded by pediatricians and nurses at work that assure me this is very normal. I think she just liked to sit and look pretty! Also, she seems to be towering over most 1 year old children I know...and she's only 8 months old! Again, enter the reassuring words of my co workers, as I need to remember, that I am almost 5'9 and my husband is a staggering, 6'5, so Olivia Jane might just be a basketball or volleyball star very soon due to her height! I really wish I wanted such a worry-wart! I knew this might happen (although I was praying it would be avoided) since I have a long standing history of pretty major anxiety issues, but thankfully, I have wonderful friends, family, and physicians and help me through the "rough patches" lately! ( :

I'm off to make a cheesecake for Christmas Eve(the only thing I can bake well!) before my sleeping beauty awakens! May you all have a very blessed, Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Look Who's 8 Months Old....

.....It's Olivia Jane!!! I must say....I hit the baby lotto, for she is SUCH an easy baby! She still sleeps about 12 hours per night and is even having 2 daily naps! She is FULL of smiles and giggles!! I love her singing...I will often be awakened by her "singing" in her crib!!! I love you, my sweet girl! You light up our lives!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Photos for Friday....a day late!!

Classic Livi "Bedhead" ( :

Monday, November 2, 2009

My Little Bumble Bee.....

My dad and little Livi...after trick-or-treating in downtown Corvallis


Mommy and her precious bee!(Yes....I made her "antennas"...don't laugh at my attempt at craftiness!!!hee hee!)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Look who's 6 months old!!!!

I can't believe my sweet Olivia Jane is 6 months old! She, as you can clearly see, loves solid food! She even devoured all her peas! We love you, our sweet Olivia!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Oh so tired....

My poor little Livi has been a bit under the weather this week and sleep has not been coming easy for her (which is a huge indicator of her being ill since she normally is a 13 hour per night sleeper....please don't hate me...I know I'm very lucky!lol!!) Anyway, I went to the gym and left her with my husband and when I arrived home, my sweet Olivia Jane was sound asleep in her exersaucer, which she slept in for about an hour! (I am happy to report that Olivia's bout with a bug has seemed to disappear and she is back to her sweet, happy, sleeping self!)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Olivia Prepares for Fall/Winter!!

I soooo wish that I had the "crafty" abilities of my friends and family, but hand me a knitting needle and I most likely would gouge my eyes out with frustration!!! My sweet, dear friend/co-worker Nada is one of my talented friends that so generously knitted my Little Livi a hat and scarf!!! I am so blessed to have such gifted people around me!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Photos for Friday!

Reading with Grandma and Grandpa Nimmo. (They are both teachers...could you guess?!?)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I love my Little Livi!!!

Olivia has been so much fun lately!!! I can't put into words the love I have for this little lady! Every morning, the joy of my day is the huge smile that greets me when I go to get her from her crib. The rest of my day is full of laughs, gurlges and giggles! She is my sunshine!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009