Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Busy, Busy,Busy!!!

Phew! I realized I haven't published a post in awhile, mostly due to the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season! Since I work for 2 departments at the clinic, I was blessed to go to 2 Christmas parties, which Olivia loved, by the way! She pondered for days on what party dress to wear and what bow should adorn her long, curly locks! ( : Needless to say, she was quite the hit and honestly really must love parties (or being the center of attention) for she was such a good, well mannered little lady! In other news, Paul was offered a promotion at Pepsi, so after he gets his CDL license, our family's income will grow substantially which will be SUCH a blessing, for right now, every month is a struggle, as I'm sure it is for many families right now. I am just blessed with both have stable jobs in this economy!

What else....little Livi is still not interested in crawling, which has worried me, but thankfully, I am surrounded by pediatricians and nurses at work that assure me this is very normal. I think she just liked to sit and look pretty! Also, she seems to be towering over most 1 year old children I know...and she's only 8 months old! Again, enter the reassuring words of my co workers, as I need to remember, that I am almost 5'9 and my husband is a staggering, 6'5, so Olivia Jane might just be a basketball or volleyball star very soon due to her height! I really wish I wanted such a worry-wart! I knew this might happen (although I was praying it would be avoided) since I have a long standing history of pretty major anxiety issues, but thankfully, I have wonderful friends, family, and physicians and help me through the "rough patches" lately! ( :

I'm off to make a cheesecake for Christmas Eve(the only thing I can bake well!) before my sleeping beauty awakens! May you all have a very blessed, Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

Natasha said...

Livi is adorable! I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas! We'll have to get Boston and Livi together for a playdate one of these days:)